Saturday, 7 May 2016

Movie Review: Ratchet and Clank (Be warned, spoilers)

Heh, man has it been a while since I have used this blog.
I know, I know, you're looking at the title and thinking... A movie?
Yes well, I have just seen this one and I figured I needed to drop my 2 cents in to the mix.

Ratchet and Clank, the beloved video game series. I, class myself as a fan of this series. I had "Ratchet and Clank: Tools Of Destruction" in 2011, and it was a big part of that year in my life. I LOVED it. For one main reason though, Ratchet himself. I don't have it any more, my PS3 broke a long time ago, and I never did get to finish the game... Recently, with the revival of this series with the new game and movie, my love for this has been re-found. I dived a bit too deep in to the fandom a week before the release of the video game in my country, and have waited an extra 2 weeks to be able to see the film.

Not been posting recently...

Oopse sorry, but I just finished writing something and of course I think you may have noticed the changes.

From now on the blog will not just be for reviewing my new collectors items (which I am very behind in so might wait until I get new stuff for my Birthday coming up) but also for the occasional thing I feel the need to throw my two cents in about, for example a certain movie or TV show. So, yeah.